Mengenal Run Command pada Windows

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Menggunakan perintah run patut kita ketahui sebagai pengetahuan kita dalam mengenal sistem Windows dan kurang lebihnya adalah :

run command

Perintah = fungsi

Access.cpl = Accessibility Controls
Appwiz.cpl = Add/Remove Programs
Ac3filter.cpl = Opens AC3 Filter
Calc = Calculator
Control schedtasks = Scheduled Tasks
Control admintools = Administrative Tools
Certmgr.msc = Certificate Manager
Charmap = Character Map
Chkdsk = Check Disk Utility
Clipbrd = Clipboard Viewer
Cmd = Command Prompt
Compmgmt.msc = Computer Management
Control = desktop Display Properties
Control color = Display Properties
Ciadv.msc = Indexing Service
Cleanmgr = Disk Cleanup Utility
Control folders = Folders Properties
Control fonts = Fonts
Control keyboard = Keyboard Properties
Control netconnections = Network Connections
Control printers = Printers and Faxes
Cliconfg = SQL Client Configuration
Control mouse = Mouse Properties
Ddeshare = DDE Shares
Devmgmt.msc = Device Manager
Directx.cpl = Direct X Control Panel
Dxdiag = Direct X Troubleshooter
Dcomcnfg = Component Services
Dfrg.msc = Disk Defragment
Diskmgmt.msc = Disk Management
Diskpart = Disk Partition Manager
Desk.cpl = Display Properties
Drwtsn32 = Dr. Watson
Eudcedit = Private Character Editor
Eventvwr.msc = Event Viewer
Fsquirt = Bluetooth Transfer Wiz
Findfast.cpl = Findfast
Fonts = Fonts Folder
Freecell = Free Cell Card Game
Fsmgmt.msc = Shared Folders
Firewall.cpl = Windows Firewall
Gpedit.msc = Group Policy Editor
Hdwwiz.cpl = Add Hardware Wizard
Iexpress = Iexpress Wizard
Inetcpl.cpl = Internet Properties
Intl.cpl = Regional Settings
Joy.cpl = Game Controllers
Jpicpl32.cpl = Java Control Panel
Javaws Java = Control Panel
Lusrmgr.msc = Local Users and Groups
Logoff Logs = You Out Of Windows
Mshearts = Hearts Card Game
Main.cpl = Mouse Properties
Mstsc = Remote Desktop
Magnify = Windows Magnifier
Mmsys.cpl = Sounds and Audio
Msconfig = System Configuration Utility
Ncpa.cpl = Network Connections
Netsetup.cpl = Network Setup Wizard
Notepad = Notepad
Nvtuicpl.cpl Nview = Desktop Manager
Ntmsmgr.msc = Removable Storage
Ntmsoprq.msc = Removable Storage
Nusrmgr.cpl = User Account Management
Odbccp32.cpl = ODBC Data Source Admin
Osk = On Screen Keyboard
Packager = Object Packager
Password.cpl = Password Properties
Perfmon = Performance Monitor
Powercfg.cpl = Power Configuration
Printers = Printers Folder
QuickTime.cpl = Quicktime (jika terinstal)
Regedit = Registry Editor
Regedit32 = Registry Editor
Rsop.msc = Resultant Set of Policy
Sigverif = File Signature Verification Tool
Secpol.msc = Local Security Settings
Sticpl.cpl = Scanners and Cameras
Shutdown = Shuts Down Windows
Spider = Spider Solitare Card Game
Sysedit = System Configuration Editor
Sysdm.cpl = System Properties
Services.msc = Services
Syskey = Windows System Security Tool
Timedate.cpl = Date / Time Properties
Telephon.cpl = Phone and Modem Options
Taskmgr = Task Manager
Telnet = Telnet Client
Tourstart = Windows XP Tour Wizard
Utilman = Utility Manager
Verifier = Driver Verifier Utility
Wuaucpl.cpl = Automatic Updates
Winchat = Microsoft Chat
Winmine = Minesweeper Game
Wscui.cpl = Security Center
Wmimgmt.msc = Windows Management Infrastr
Wupdmgr = Windows Update Launches
Write = Wordpad

Jika anda mengetahui perintah-perintah tersebut, maka memudahkan anda dalam mengolah dalam sistem windows

1 comments — Skip ke Kotak Komentar

Susan Lolo Bua said...

ini pelajaran ku, skarg yg aku ingat cuma Ping :)

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